The Repentance of Abu Nawas


From the Repentance of Abu Nawas

Abu Nawas was a brilliant poet who was also famous for living the life of a profligate and reprobate, doing many things forbidden by Islam and writing about them.  However, towards the end of his life, he wrote a beautiful poem of repentance which surely must touch the heart of anyone who has committed sins and people love to recite today.

من توبة أبو نواس

يارب إن عظمت ذنوبي كثرة

فلقد علمت بأن عفوك أعظم

إن كان لا يرجوك إلا محسن

فبمن يلوذ و يستجير المجرم

أدعوك ربي كما أمرت تضرعا

فإذا رددت يدي فمن ذا يرحم

ما لي إليك وسيلة إلا الرجاء

و جميل عفوك ثم أني مسلم



O Lord, even if my sins have grown enormous,

I know that your mercy is even greater,

If only the good person can hope in you,

Who can the criminal turn to?

÷ beg you Lord, as you have ordered me to, humbly

And if you reject my hand, then who can be merciful to me except you

I have no hope except hope in you, and your beautiful kindness,

and that I am Muslim